With today’s rapid developments in technology and the increasing emphasis on efficient information management, document tracking systems have been developed as a solution to improve the efficiency of retrieving documents online at any given time. Along with the tendencies of many document workers in losing track of document paths, it is vital that these systems are able to trace the movement of documents from origin to destination/s.
While some corporate and educational organizations think they don’t need to move away from paper, getting started with this practice has never been so crucial. Determining when and how to make the transition from paper to digital documents can be difficult. Nevertheless, there is no better way to get things off the ground than to implement a well-designed document tracking system.
The Document Tracking System (DTS) of the University of the Philippines (UP) is an information system capable of tracking the paper trail of documents created within UP offices. The DTS includes information on the originating and receiving office and personnel, as well as the time elapsed between offices/units/departments. In this information system, document attachments, revisions, updates, and remarks are also supported.
Click here for the DTS FAQs
Click here to access UP’s Document Tracking System
Currently, the DTS is being used extensively in UP System offices, but it is also available to all UP units across all CUs. For inquiries, UP account requests, and/or registration, please go the DTS FAQs.
The video below gives us a quick walkthrough on tracking documents using the DTS.