
Webinars for UP Staff for March 2022

The Office of the Vice President for Development-Information Technology Development Center (OVPD-ITDC) is once more offering a new batch of free webinars to assist and strengthen the UP staff’s work-from-home capabilities. The webinar training sessions run from March 07 up to March 11, 2022.

Below are the webinars offered for March 2022.

“How to Track and Monitor Productivity and Performance of Remote Work using Microsoft Teams” will teach Microsoft Teams as a task monitoring tool for remote work. Attendees will have an idea on various ways on how to assign, monitor, and update their personel's productivity and performance while working from home.

“Digital Hygiene and Personal Safety Tips” will focus on practical tips for cleansing of online and offline digital footprint, as well as keeping devices and data safe.

“Basic Information Security” will provide participants with instructions on the basic concepts of information security, some threats and how to deal with them, and best practices to avoid compromising information.

“Privacy Tips on Taking Back Control of Your Data” will teach awareness on digital privacy in different aspects and tips on how to maintain privacy online and offline.

“Introduction to UP Document Routing System (a Canvas Course)” will instruct participants on how to use the UP Document Routing System (DRS).

“Basic Home Network Troubleshooting” will cover the basics of testing and troubleshooting networks at home. It will guide the participants in identifying, locating, and correcting problems, and will also give helpful tips on how to handle such issues.

“How to Apply for PNPKI and Use it for Your Digital Signature” is a new topic offered by OVPD-ITDC. It will give attendees a walkthrough on how to apply for a PNPKI Digital Certificate and how to use this as their digital signature for government-certified documents.

“Submission of Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN)” will instruct attendees regarding the submission and printing of SALN through UIS.

“Communication Tips while Working from Home” will discuss some basic advice on efficiently communicating in a work-from-home setup. This includes tips on writing clear and effective emails, and others.

“UIS FMIS Billing Process” will cover the process of creating customers, creating and monitoring transactions (bills/invoices), and printing of billing invoices.

“How to Use Gmail as Your CRM Tool” will be a topic for UP offices who have a shared office UP Mail account (Gmail) and would like to streamline their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) within the other office's staff emails.

“Basic Reporting Tools 1” will cover a basic guide on how to create and manage queries in the Student Academic Information System (SAIS).

“Privacy and Digital Security News and Updates” will be a 30-minute recurring interactive meeting that will give an awareness of the recent trends and news on privacy and digital security.

“Learning with the Mac/iPad” will be a recurring workshop for teachers that will focus on the fundamentals of the Mac and iPad.

To see the schedules and register in any of the offered webinars, please click this link for the Webinars for UP Staff.